Tuesday 7 April 2015

Chapter Four. 
The Visitor in the night

It was a cold night in Fluffy-land, the head Fluffy had made up the fire in the front room and was just about to tuck himself up for the night when he heard a very loud knock on the door,

“Who can that be this time of the night”? He muttered to himself, he straightened his nightcap and made his way to the front door, “Who is it”? He shouted.
“It's me” came a muffled cry from the outside

“Who's Me”? The head Fluffy asked
“Why! Me” the voice answered
“Yes, but what's your name”? The head Fluffy asked
“Oh! Father Christmas” Came the reply

Father Christmas asks a favour.

With that, the head Fluffy unlocked the door and swung it wide open, there stood a tall man dressed all in red, his hat was red with a pure white trim on it, as was his long coat, he had a great big bushy white beard, “Father Christmas, what a lovely surprise, please, do come in.
“Thank you head Fluffy, it's cold out there and you have a lovely roaring fire going, do you mind if I warm myself in front of it”?

“Of course not” the head fluffy said," make yourself at home" Father Christmas took off his white gloves and held his hands out in front of the fire “Mmm” he said “That's better”
Father Christmas turned to the head Fluffy and said “I have come to ask you a favour”
“Anything for you Father Christmas”

“Ho ho oh,” Father Christmas said, "that's good, I wonder if you could make it snow for me? as my reindeer are finding it hard to pull my sledge, and seeing as it's Christmas eve I thought not only would, to make it easier for my boys to pull the sledge, but the snow would look nice for all the girls and boys on Christmas morning”

“Just wait till I get dressed and then I will take you to the Fluffy Snowman, he will help you”
So the two of them set off to find the fluffy snowman, It wasn't long before they found him, he was a little different from a normal snowman, he looked almost the same but when you got closer to him you could see he was all fluffy, with a Fluffy red nose and a Fluffy red scarf.

“Hello Mr Snowman.” the head Fluffy said, “could you make it snow for Father Christmas please”?
“Of course I can,” Fluffy Snowman said “But you will have to help me with my machine”
And there in another room was a large machine with a great big funnel on the top.

Keep an eye out for Snow

“First we have to cut out some ice for the machine” Fluffy Snowman said “And then you will have to help me turn the handle, it's very stiff because I haven’t used it for nearly a year now, I will get my friends the penguins to help collect the ice"

The three of them along with the help of the penguins, started to cut up large lumps of ice to put in the snow machine, when it was quite full the head Fluffy and Father Christmas helped Fluffy Snowman to pull the machine out into the open, and then they all started to turn the handle.

“Wow it is stiff “cried Father Christmas, but he was a big strong man (He had to be, to carry all those toys) and soon little snowflakes floated out of the other end of the snow machine and made their way down to earth.
“Ho Ho Ho Thank you very much” Father Christmas boomed out and held both his hands on his tummy
“Now My reindeer will find it easier to pull my sledge and in the morning it will be all white on the ground.

So remember boys and girls if it starts to snow on Christmas Eve, you will know it won’t be long before Father Christmas makes his call.

Happy Christmas everyone, from all the Fluffy’s in Fluffy-land, and of course Father Christmas.

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